I am currently a Professor in the
Department of Mathematics
at the Georgia Institute of Technology. I
received my PhD from the University
of Texas and then spent several years at Stanford with an NSF postdoctoral fellowship. The next stop was the University
of Pennsylvania where, after four years, I became an Associate Professor and then moved to Georgia Tech.
My advisor at the University of Texas was Bob Gompf. However my mathematical interests and career really began much earlier in an inspiring calculus class I took from Coke Reed as a freshman at the University of Texas.
I live with my wife, Lori
Lejeune and artist at Studio Lejune and at Dividend Design, and two cats in the Atlanta area.
Research Interests:
I am primarily interested in the topology of low dimensional manifolds and
its relation with geometry and dynamics. Please take a look at my vita in pdf
format for more information.
Paper and Journals:
Preprints from xxx.lanl.gov
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Many journals have been archived at JSTOR
List of Journals
Math Departments and Societies
List of math departments in the USA
List of math departments everywhere
The American Math. Society
The Math. Association of America
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