Georgia Institute of Technology
December 4 to 6, 2015



If you plan to come to the conference, whether or not you need funding, please e-mail your name and affiliation to



We will have some support for graduate students and postdocs. If you are interested in applying for support, please include the following information with your registration:

  • your name,
  • your institution,
  • the number of years you have been in grad school/postdoc,
  • your advisor's name, and
  • a couple of sentences about your research area (please do not send a long research description).
Funding request received before October 28th will be given priority.


Lightning Talks

During lunch on Saturday there will be a lightning talk session: a series of 5 minute talks on the research of junior mathematicians, given by the junior mathematicians themselves or by their mentors.

If you would like to give a lightning talk, please include the following information in your registration or funding request:

  • the name and position of the person whose work you are speaking on,
  • your relation to that person, and,
  • a short description of the topic of the talk.
Deadline for submitting proposals for Lightning Talks is October 28.


organizers: J. Etnyre and D. Margalit
Supported by the NSF and the Georgia Institute of Technology